Two Roads Mediation offers services through the court system in the following counties:
We are also available to conduct private mediation sessions throughout the metro Atlanta area.
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Megan became a registered neutral in law school and mediated hundreds of landlord-tenant and small claims
cases in Fulton County within the court-annexed mediation program before graduation. At the same time, she started working in the insurance industry. A clerkship with an insurance company allowed her to easily transition into insurance litigation post-graduation. Megan has experience with both liability work and first-party property cases. She is knowledgeable about insurance concepts, including coverage defenses and bad faith allegations.
In addition to her legal experience, Megan excels at breaking down complex concepts into understandable language as well as analyzing and paring down vast amounts of information into the significant facts. In addition, she is adept at looking at a given situation from both sides, including investigating positions and finding key concessions.
Prior to law school, Megan worked as a bank manager for a large financial institution. This experience allows Megan to understand a variety of other areas of dispute, including employment concerns, financial matters and business relationships. She is also comfortable with calculations and figures. Her customer service background helps her build a rapport with the parties and attorneys in order to present and discuss various options to help them reach a mutually agreeable solution. Megan believes in always identifying the needs of each side and tailoring discussions toward viable solutions.